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Hikaru looks up to her father greatly, tending to get his opinion about everything before taking action in anything, as she views him as a very intelligent individual. Him and Hikaru tend to read children books together, and express their opinions on many subjects within the text they read together. She feels a very tight bond with him, and spends a lot of her time with him when she isn't hanging out with her friends or has her nose stuck in a book or even her poem journal.


Although Hikaru secretly wishes the spaghetti her mom made was letters rather than long strings, Hikaru is very close to her mother, not as close as she is to her father, but still quite close. Hikaru and Alga discuss theories about whats beyond earth a lot, such as aliens on mars and other crazy things, and sometimes pretend they're on a space ship heading out into space trying to prove these things true! Alga tends to make Hikaru quite happy when Hikaru is hiding her actual emotions towards something. 


Grace and Hikaru hang out occasionally and talk a lot, giving them the status of being friends. They don't have a weak connection, nor a really strong one. These two tend to drag each other around when one of them is bored, just to cure the others boredom, which can be a fun, but annoying game at the same time. They do care about each other and after a while developed a somewhat strong relationship between each other.


Caelum is like the hall monitor of the outside world to Hikaru. Basically if she jokes around, Caelum comes along and tries to stop her, which makes Hikaru label him as the "party pooper" of the day. Although it's not obvious how Caelum actually feels about Hikaru aside from annoyed, it is very evident that Hikaru is very annoyed with him and absolutely despises him sometimes, tending to hide behind her taller friends like or just adult plumerians in general around her when she wants to have fun, just so he won't come along and judge her. If she is childish in front of him, they tend to argue and bicker about it a lot.

Although sometimes when Hikaru is rather hyper, Caelum is a very good tool to her. She likes to play little pranks on him just to get on his nerves, or just do things that would usually be done while she is out of his view, such as get one of the party poppers and pop it in his face, letting confetti fly everywhere.


Ali and Hikaru are those two childhood friends that hang out 24/7. Having met in preschool, it's no surprise that Hikaru and Ali are absolutely fantastic friends. They tend to do anything they can together, whether it be go to the movies, have a sleep over, or go bowling, they are always together doing something. Hikaru and Ali are practically inseparable, and they always have some form of connection to one another just so they can talk no matter what. They are basically handcuffed together, just without the handcuffs or pain. It's very hard to break them up and if Ali goes somewhere, Hikaru will probably tag along unless Ali states otherwise, and the same thing goes for Ali with Hikaru.

Although all of this time around Ali has made her view on her gradually develop into a very minor crush, so Hikaru tends to get a little mentally frustrated if anyone flirty tries to approach Ali and take Ali away from her, but she does let Ali have freedom and she still hasn't told Ali about her crush, fearing that she would be judged.

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